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LIN28 coordinately promotes nucleolar/ribosomal functions and represses the 2C-like transcriptional program in pluripotent stem cells

Protein Cell. 2021-07; 
Zhen Sun, Hua Yu, Jing Zhao, Tianyu Tan, Hongru Pan, Yuqing Zhu, Lang Chen, Cheng Zhang, Li Zhang, Anhua Lei, Yuyan Xu, Xianju Bi, Xin Huang, Bo Gao, Longfei Wang, Cristina Correia, Ming Chen, Qiming Sun, Yu Feng, Li Shen, Hao Wu, Jianlong Wang, Xiaohua Shen, George Q Daley, Hu Li, Jin Zhang
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Plasmid DNA Preparation sgRNA was designed to target the second exon of Lin28a using the online tool: (https://portals.broadinstitute.org/gpp/public/analysis-tools/sgrna-design), then cloned into the gRNA-Cas9-Puro Plasmid (L00691, GenScript) Get A Quote


LIN28 is an RNA binding protein with important roles in early embryo development, stem cell differentiation/reprogramming, tumorigenesis and metabolism. Previous studies have focused mainly on its role in the cytosol where it interacts with Let-7 microRNA precursors or mRNAs, and few have addressed LIN28's role within the nucleus. Here, we show that LIN28 displays dynamic temporal and spatial expression during murine embryo development. Maternal LIN28 expression drops upon exit from the 2-cell stage, and zygotic LIN28 protein is induced at the forming nucleolus during 4-cell to blastocyst stage development, to become dominantly expressed in the cytosol after implantation. In cultured pluripotent stem cells (PSC... More


2-cell-like program, LIN28, NCL/TRIM28 complex, nucleolar integrity